A few months ago, I set a goal to do 40 days of yoga. It was a pain in the butt at times, but I ended up completing this goal and I felt SO good at the end of the 40 days.
One highlight of this challenge was meeting up with one of my girlfriends in Regina and trying out a yoga studio called Yoga Haven.
At this studio I tried my first hot yoga class. I think I entered class feeling slightly over-confident since I have been practicing yoga for about 5 years. The class was an hour and a half long and I haven't sweat so much since I ran the half marathon in September. The style of class was different than I was used to so it was very challenging. It seemed that most of the other participants were regulars in class and could bend/twist/contort like pros. Meanwhile, I was looking around at the others trying to figure out how the heck they got themselves into those positions in the first place.
It was a great class, a great workout, and I most definately want to try another hot yoga class in the near future. Here is a peek at the studio.
So now that the 40 day challenge is over, I need some new goals for 2012.
Here's how I did on 2011's goals:
4. Go on at least 1 trip. This didn't happen. Refer to #5.
5. Complete between 4-6 classes towards Masters degree. I completed 6 classes in 2011.
6. Expand interest in photography! Fail. Hopefully someday.
7. Keep in touch with friends who live outside of Moose Jaw....and here in MJ for that matter! I still want to work on this!!
8. Continue reading for enjoyment. I read 27 books this year!
9. Try meditation to quiet my mind which never shuts off. Definately failed.
10. Go skydiving. Not yet but I want to oh so badly!
11. Continue blogging a few times per week. Nope....but I do my best!
2012 Goals
1. Complete 4-6 classes towards my Masters degree.
2. Continue reading for fun.
3. Run at least one road race.
4. Workout 3-5 times a week.
5. Drink more water (oh my gosh I HATE water).
6. Go on one trip.
7. Make more BF-friendly recipes (aka: more meat & potatoes kind of dishes; less vegan experiments)
Do any of you make resolutions? I hope I'm not the only Type A personality obsessed with list-making....